Sunday, April 26, 2009

Do They Really Care!!

Professor Dr. Chitta Ranjon Misra, (Chairman, Dept. of History, Rajshahi University) said to the reporters after a meeting in VC’s residential lounge that students of RU has faced a terrible loss for such unexpected shut-down of the university but on the other hand, Rajshahi’s weather is not suitable and also there’s a crisis for water and electricity as well. Considering these facts they proposed to shorten the summer vacation for 15 days and open the campus on 1st JUNE. (Source: Daily Janakantha, 26th April)

I’m a student of Rajshahi University. I’m also victim of such unfortunate incident. I really thought that our honorable teachers are going to take some initiative to re-open our campus when I came to know that our campus may open within 10th May, but after reading the above news, I feel like a fool. I suddenly realize that they really don’t care about the welfare of students. All they care about is to have a vacation and schedule for their own business in this mean time. Anyone ever asked the students if they want this vacation or not? We already had a lot of vacations (scheduled and unscheduled). We don’t want anymore. Why our teachers are trying to delay the campus opening? Didn’t we have enough of wasting our valuable time from our life?

On April 26, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) has opened and Rajshahi Medical College (RMC) is going to open at 28th April, Rajshahi College is going to open at 6th May, Other colleges have already begun their classes. If the students of those institutes can live and continue their study in Rajshahi, if they can skip their summer vacation, what made our honorable teachers think that we can’t? Their excuses set on water and electricity crisis are lame as well. These are the problems of the whole country, especially in Dhaka. But I don’t think anything has stopped there. Life goes on and there’s always a way to move on.

So, before making any final decision on opening Rajshahi University, I’d like to request our honorable teachers to make their senses work and take any possible steps to make it soon. We don’t need their kind vacation, we had enough already. I’d like to request all the students of Rajshahi University to stand against such lazy decision and please do what you can do, write to the papers to draw attraction about this matter or share this with your friends. We need a “student movement” for having a campus without such unexpected shut-down and political bad influences.

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