Monday, April 27, 2009

Looking Forword To "Electric Cigarette"

Electric Cigarette is a smart cigarette and a revolutionary product with newest technological advances, offers a replacement for conventional smoking. Electric Cigarette looks, feels, and tastes like a traditional cigarette. It delivers all the pleasures of smoking without releasing harmful chemicals. It lets out vapor mist like smoke, and controls amount of nicotine to satisfy the smoker's craving.
An e-cigarette doesn’t hurt you, the ones around you or the environment. It’s a rechargeable device that uses sophisticated micro-electronic technology to deliver a true smoking experience, only without the tobacco smoke and tar that contain over 4.000 toxins. It contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine and tobacco scent and, instead of exhaling smoke, you exhale harmless vapors. So your body receives all the nicotine it craves but without all the other nasty stuff, it’s a dream come true and best of all you can legally smoke it indoors.

One rechargeable cartridge of an e-cigarette is the equivalent of 20 cigarettes and the device’s battery lasts a whole day, when used with normal use (whatever that means).


1 comment:

  1. I feel much better than I have ever felt!! Electronic Cigarettes has done it's job pretty impressively by aiding me into quitting tobacco smoking for good!! Amazing Product!!! :)
